Hello guys,
We recently talked about the mystery of the new server heavens,The tips For earning coins where we talked about the
General bugs making tips and advice,Non citizen bugs making tips,Citizen bugs making tipsand the Bugs drainers-keep away from these also the new membership items.So in this guide i will explain the missions and quests in chobots.
Table of contents:
Nicho Mission
Cow mission
Chopix mission
Choproff mission
Chistochob mission
Nicho Mission
The nicho mission earns the most money in the game as stated in Citizen bugs making tipssection of the Tips for earning coins post.Now lets talk about how to do this mission,
- Light Bulb
- Speed magic(Non citizen magic catalog)
- Fade magic(Citizen magic catalog)
Now go inside and walk ahead,a small circle of light will follow you to everywhere.
Now take your fade magic to get past the lasers.
Now use your speed magic to get past the destroying bridge.
Pull the rope with help of 2 or 3 friends and you completed the mission.
Note:Random bugs appear all over the mission so you might want to check for them aswell.
Cow Mission
Cow mission is one of the best money making methods in chobots for beginners so they can get the basic money and do things like chopix quest and nicho mission for more money,once upon a time it was even the most money earning game in chobots as stated in the Non citizen bugs making advice section of the Tips for earning coins Post.How to do the cow mission:
Pick up the spade.
Dig the land with the spade.
Pick up the seeds.
Sow the seeds in the land you just dug.
Pick up the watering can.
Water the seeds you just sowed.
Pick up the scythe.
Cut the grass with the scythe.
Pick up the hay.
Feed it to the cow.
Feed 3 hay.
Now pick up a bucket.
Put the bucket on the elevator.
Repeat this for money.
Chopix Mission
Chopix Mission was the most money earning source when it was released just likeCow Mission was about a year ago.Chopix mission is still one of the best sources to earn bugs for non citizens as stated in Non-Citizen bugs making tips Section of Tips for making coins post.How to do:
Meet chopix if he is online,he is usually in vanilla park.
He will get you the spy glasses(not if you already have those)
He will assign you to catch 5 nicho spies spread all over chobots.
Go on a circle of chobots and find the 5 nicho spies,then report back to chopix everytime you catch a nicho spy,will need a speed magic to catch them or fast rocket boots or cho boards.
once you for all the nicho spys go to chopix and he will give you money.
Choproff Mission
Chobots proffesor choproff returns every once in a while to ask you questionsYou have to answer some questions of his and as result he gives you globe at first and then 200 bugs each time till you leave the academy and come back.
Go to choproff if he is online,he is usually at vanilla classroom
Accept his quiz and answer his questions
Take the reward
Chistochob Quest
Chistochob quest is the latest quest/mission on chobots,however it earns you the least money in a intervel of time as compared to the chopix/choproff missions.You have to collect 10 litter and report back to chistochob for the money
Find chistochob in chobots if he is online,he is usually at vanilla garbage collector place
Accept his quest
Find 10 pieces of litter spread all over chobots
Report back to chistochob to obtain your prize.
So now go earn bugs and enjoy!